A long week of Block Leave 📅

Spending my week with my parents. Quality time, good food, joyful moments & so much more. I really miss this a lot while I was away in camp. It’s important for us to treasure this moments with our parents. We’ll never know when is our last chance to smile at them, to hug & kiss them, to have a chat with them. Remember that we only have 1 mother, and 1 father. Friends come & go, but our Parents have always been there through thick & thin. They comfort us, understand us, and want the best for us. May Allaah reward our parents for everything they’ve done to raise us up. Indeed, only Allaah can reward them. It isn’t as easy as it seems to bring up righteous children. Allaahul musta’an. Wallaahu’alam. Barakallaahu feekum. 🌾

– madey

Sabr.. Glad tidings to the believers ✨


I have faced so many difficulties in my life that it has made me hate this life. Every time I turned to Allah, I pleaded for Him to take my life away from me at the earliest. This is my wish until now as I do not see any solutions to my problems except death; it is the only thing that can save me from this punishment. Is this behaviour forbidden for me?


When a person wishes for death because of something that has afflicted him, he is doing something that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) said,

”None of you should hope for death because of some harm that has come to him. If he has wish such, he should say, ‘O Allah, give me life if You know that life is better for me. And give me death if You know that death is better for me.'” [1]

Therefore, It is not allowed for anyone to wish for death because of some harm, hardship or difficulty that has come to him. Infact, he should be patient and expect a reward from Allah for what he is passing through. He should also wait for relief to come, as the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) has said,

“Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress, and ease with hardship.” [2]

The one who is afflicted with any affliction should know that those afflictions expiate some of his sins that he has committed. No believer is afflicted with any kind of worry, grief or pain except that Allah expiates sins from him due to that, even the pricking of a thorn. When the person is patient and expects rewards from Allah, he reaches the stage of being patient. This stage is a very elevated stage. Allah has stated about its inhabitants,

”And give glad tidings to the patient. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say, ‘Truly, to Allah we belong and, truly, to Him we shall return.’” (Surah al-baqarah 155 -156)

The women in the question feels that there is no solution for her problems except death. I believe this is a mistaken view. Death does not solve any problems. Infact, the situation of adversity may get even worse. How many humans die while being afflicted with pain and problems but they had been wronging themselves and did not give up their sins and repent to Allah. Then his death is just a quicker coming of his punishment. If he remained alive, perhaps Allah would have guided him to repentance, seeking forgiveness, patience, facing the problems and expecting the relief. This all would have been good for him.

Therefore, you the questioner must be patient and expect relief from Allah. Allah says in His Book,

”So verily with hardship there is relief. Verily with the hardship there is relief.” (Surah al- Sharh 5-6)

The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) stated in an authentic narration,

”Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress, and ease with hardship.” [3]


[1] Recorded by al-Bukhari, and Muslim.

[2] According to al- Albani, it is an authentic hadith. See al- Albani Sahih al- Jami al- Sagheer, Vol. 2, p. 1151

[3] According to al- Albani, it is an authentic hadith. See al- Albani Sahih al- Jami al- Sagheer, Vol. 2, p. 1151

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women – Darussalam Pg.48-50


My mum cried & that made me think… 💬

I had a chat with my mum recently. It was quite random, and not long later she cried.

She told me that she du’aa for all her children. She’s glad I’m not a trouble maker, thou she said that it isn’t easy to raise rebellious children.

I totally understand where she’s coming from, especially when I see how today’s corrupted society has influence on youths.

I seek Allaah’s protection from myself & the devil. I fear for myself at times when I think about the temptations out there.

No doubt, none of us are perfect, we are sinners, but the best are those who repent.

At this point, I recalled my mum sharing with me that both her & my dad really likes _ _ _ _ _ _. I guess we all realize that it’s rare to meet people of good character, good morale, soft spoken, modest, and so much more.

May Allaah preserve & and make us better than what is apparent,
May Allaah ease our task ahead,
And may Allaah reward all of our parents for all they’ve done to raise us.

Allaahul musta’an,

– madey 🌾

Allaahul musta’an 🌾


Siang datang bukan untuk mengejar malam, malam tiba bukan untuk mengejar siang. Siang dan malam datang silih berganti dan takkan pernah kembali lagi.

Menanti adalah hal yang paling membosankan,
apalagi jika menanti sesuatu yang tidak pasti.
Sementara waktu berjalan terus dan usia semakin bertambah, namun satu pertanyaan yang selalu mengganggu

🕔 “ Kapan aku menikah ?“.🕔

Langkah pertama yang harus diperhatikan adalah:

Ketika kita sudah memiliki keinginan untuk menikah, maka niatkanlah menikah untuk beribadadah. Karena menikah merupakan salah satu dari sunnah nabi, dan niatkanlah untuk nengagungkan syiar islam.

Jika sudah dibangun diatas niat yang benar, insya allah, Allah akan mudahkan urusan kita semua.

✏yang berikutnya, selayaknya bagi orang yang hendak meniti jalan pernikahan untuk mengerti tentang


Baik ilmu yang berkaitan dengan muamalah suami istri, hak-hak istri, kewajiban seorang suami, dan semua hukum-hukum yang terkait dengan rumah tangga, imam bukhori mengatakan:
العلم قبل القول والعمل
Berilmu sebelum berucap dan beramal.

Ini penting untuk kita ketahui,agar kita tidak salah langkah.

Setelah 2⃣ poin diatas terpenuhi, maka

🔨Bersungguhlah dalam berusaha, Allah berfirman:

ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﻋَﺰَﻣْﺖَ ﻓَﺘَﻮَﻛَّﻞْ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺇِﻥَّ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﻳُﺤِﺐُّ ﺍﻟْﻤُﺘَﻮَﻛِّﻠِﻴﻦ

”Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakal kepada-Nya.”

Serahkan urusanmu kepada Allah,

Kuatkan hatimu, bahwa ditangan Allahlah jodoh dan rezeki.

Dan kemudian

berusahalah untuk mengambil sebab, jalan-jalan yang bisa mendekatkanmu kepada jodohmu.

Yakinlah,, Islam tidak memberatkan pemeluknya,,

Dan jauhilah hal-hal yang mengantarkanmu kepada perbuatan zina

⚠Dan kami nasehatkan kepada para ayah, para bapak yang sudah memiliki anak perempuan yang sudah cukup umur dengan sabda Nabi:

ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺃَﺗَﺎﻛُﻢْ ﻣَﻦْ ﺗَﺮْﺿَﻮْﻥَ ﺧُﻠُﻘَﻪُ ﻭَﺩِﻳْﻨَﻪُ ﻓَﺰَﻭِّﺟُﻮْﻩُ . ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺗَﻔْﻌَﻠُﻮْﺍ ﺗَﻜُﻦْ ﻓِﺘْﻨَﺔٌ ﻓِﻲْ ﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﻭَﻓَﺴَﺎﺩٌ ﻋَﺮِﻳْﺾ

“ Jika datang seorang lelaki yang melamar anak
gadismu, yang engkau ridhoi agama dan akhlaknya,
maka nikahkanlah ia. Jika tidak, maka akan terjadi
fitnah (musibah) dan kerusakan yang merata dimuka
bumi “[HR.At-Tirmidziy dalam Kitab An-Nikah(1084 &
1085), dan Ibnu Majah dalam Kitab An Nikah(1967).
Di-hasan-kan oleh Al-Albaniy dalam Ash-Shohihah

❗ Jadi, yang terpenting dalam agama kita adalah
ketaatan kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, bukan sekedar
kekayaan dan kemewahan. Sebuah rumah yang
berhiaskan ketaqwaan dan kesholehan dari sepasang suami istri adalah modal surgawi, yang akan melahirkan kebahagian, kedamaian, kemuliaan, dan ketentraman. Namun sangat disayangkan sekali, realita yang terjadi di masyarakat kita, jauh dari apa yang dituntunkan oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Hanya karena perasaan “malu” dan “gengsi” hingga rela mengorbankan ketaatan kepada Allah; tidak merasa cukup dengan sesuatu yang telah Allah tetapkan dalam syari’at-Nya. Mereka melonjakkan biaya nikah, dan mahar yang tidak dianjurkan di dalam agama yang mudah ini. Akhirnya pernikahan seakan menjadi komoditi yang mahal.

⚠ Rasulullah -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- telah
menganjurkan umatnya untuk mempermudah dan jangan mempersulit dalam menerima lamaran dengan

ﻣِﻦْ ﻳُﻤْﻦِ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺮْﺃَﺓِ ﺗَﺴْﻬِﻴْﻞُ ﺃَﻣْﺮِﻫَﺎ ﻭَﻗِﻠَّﺔُ ﺻَﺪَﺍﻗِﻬَﺎ

“ Diantara berkahnya seorang wanita, memudahkan
urusan (nikah)nya, dan sedikit maharnya“. [HR.
Ahmad dalam Al-Musnad (24651), Al-Hakim dalam Al-
Mustadrok (2739), Al-Baihaqiy dalam Al-Kubro
(14135), Ibnu Hibban dalam Shohih-nya (4095), Al- Bazzar dalam Al-Musnad (3/158), Ath-Thobroniy
dalam Ash-Shoghir (469). Di-hasan-kan Al-Albaniy dalam Shohih Al-Jami’ (2231)]


Rasul menganjurkan untuk menolong mereka2 yang tidak memiliki biaya untuk menikah.

ﺛَﻠَﺎﺛَﺔٌ ﻛُﻠُّﻬُﻢْ ﺣَﻖٌّ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻋَﻮْﻧُﻪُ ﺍﻟْﻐَﺎﺯِﻱْ ﻓِﻲْ ﺳَﺒِﻴْﻞِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﻤُﻜَﺎﺗَﺐُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱْ ﻳُﺮِﻳْﺪُ ﺍﻟْﺄَﺩَﺍﺀَ ﻭَﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﻛِﺢُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱْ ﻳُﺮِﻳْﺪُ ﺍﻟﺘَّﻌَﻔُّﻒ

“ Ada tiga orang yang wajib bagi Allah untuk
menolongnya: 1⃣Orang yang berperang di jalan Allah,
2⃣budak yang ingin membebaskan dirinya,
dan 3⃣ orang menikah yang ingin menjaga kesucian diri”. [HR. At- Tirmidziy (1655), An-Nasa’iy (3120 & 1655), Ibnu Majah (2518). Di-hasan-kan oleh Al-Albaniy dalam Takhrij Al-Misykah (3089)]

👍 karena itu, diperlukan kesadaran orang tua semua untuk saling tolong-menolong dalam hal kebaikan.
Ingatlah sabda Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam-
ﺇِﻥَّ ﺍﻟﺪِّﻳْﻦَ ﻳُﺴْﺮٌ
ﻭَﻟَﻦْ ﻳُﺸَﺎﺩَّ ﺍﻟﺪِّﻳْﻦَ ﺃَﺣَﺪٌ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﻏَﻠَﺒَﻪ
“ Agama adalah mudah dan tidak seorangpun yang mempersulit dalam agama ini, kecuali ia akan terkalahkan “. [HR. Al-Bukhary (39), dan An-Nasa’iy (5034)]

✏ Demikianlah yang kami sampaikan, mudah-mudahan menjadi pencerah bagi kita semua.

🌠🌽Forum Ilmiyah Karanganyar

Ummi … 🌺

عَنْ عَطَاءِ بْنِ يَسَارٍ ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ أَنَّهُ أَتَاهُ رَجُلٌ ، فَقَالَ:
” إِنِّي خَطَبْتُ امْرَأَةً فَأَبَتْ أَنْ تَنْكِحَنِي ، وَخَطَبَهَا غَيْرِي فأَحَبَّتْ أَنْ تَنْكِحَهُ ، فَغِرْتُ عَلَيْهَا ، فَقَتَلْتُهَا ، فَهَلْ لِي مِنْ تَوْبَةٍ ؟ قَالَ : أُمُّكَ حَيَّةٌ ؟ قَالَ : لَا ، قَالَ : تُبْ إِلَى اللَّهِ ، وَتَقَرَّبْ إِلَيْهِ مَا اسْتَطَعْتَ . فَسَأَلْتُ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ : لِمَ سَأَلْتَهُ عَنْ حَيَاةِ أُمِّهِ ؟ فَقَالَ : إِنِّي لَا أَعْلَمُ عَمَلًا أَقْرَبَ إِلَى اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ مِنْ بِرِّ الْوَالِدَةِ ” .

On the authority of ‘Atā Ibn Yasār on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbās that a man came to him and said:

I proposed to a woman and she refused to marry me and then some-else proposed to her and she desired to marry him and so I became jealous and killed her; is there Tawbah for me?

Ibn ‘Abbās said: Is your mother alive?

He said: No

Ibn ‘Abbās said: Repent to Allaah and seek nearness to him with what you can.

So I asked Ibn ‘Abbās: Why did you ask if his mother was alive?

He said: I know of no deed that is nearer to Allāh other than righteousness to ones mother.
Aadaab Al-Mufrad Al-Bukhaari no.4 Authenticated by Shaykh Albaani

The Khawarij 🚫

Yesterday’s dars via telelink, topic on the recent crime in France (Charlie Hebdo) by Abu Khadeejah.

24/01/15, 4 Rabi’ulakhir 1436

The Khawarij
●Young in age, foolish in thoughts, ignorant.
●Eeman won’t go beyond the collar bone for they don’t understand what they are reciting in the Quran.
●Taking the religion based on their own understanding and ideology.
●Ideology of extremist that like to obligate jihad in any circumstances without applying any pre-condition or principles.
●Engaging enemies without legitimate rulership.
●Kill Muslims and Non-Muslims.
●Muslim government have encountered with this extremist from the past, the likes of Daesh, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban.
●They don’t accept rulership other than the Muslim ruler, very rebellious.
●Commit terror and crimes in the name of Islam.
●Took law in their own hands.
●They have no Ulama’ (Scholars) with them.
●They declared the Muslim rulers and Scholars to be disbelievers.

Ibn Qayyim said:
4 Levels of Forbidding Evil

1. That the evil is removed and the opposite (good) takes its place.

2. The evil is lessened but is not removed completely.

3. The evil is replaced with what is similar/equal to it.

4. The evil is replaced with something worse than it.

The first two levels are legislated (permitted), the third is an area of Ijtihaad and the fourth is prohibited.

Pre-condition before you want to forbid evil
● Do we have the authority?
● Do we have the knowledge?
● What will be the outcome? (more good or more harm)

Traits of a Khawarij
●get youth, teenagers to be involved in their false movements, speaking about politics
●openly rebute Muslim rulers, which they see as tyranny and oppressors
●praising their head and people that have a extremist ideology
●making takfir (declare other Muslim to be disbelievers)
●glorify acts of violence (killing of Muslims and Non-Muslims in the name of Allaah), rebellious with authority

●”There will definitely be a people after me from my nation who recite the Quran
yet it will not even reach beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion
as an arrow passes through a target, then they will not return back to it. They
are the worst of people, the worst of all creatures.” [Muslim 1067]

●“If they (the Khawaarij) were to gain strength, they would cause mischief on earth – in `Iraaq, in Shaam (and everywhere). They would not leave a small boy or a small girl, nor a man or a woman (except that they would kill them). This is because they think that people have got so much corrupted that nothing can reform them except through mass killing.” [Imam Ad-Dahabi in al-Bidaayah wal-Nihaayah (10/584-585)

Full lecture:
MP3 Download

Hours away… ⌛️

Alhamdulillaah ala kulli hal, it’s very overwhelming how things are going in life. Indeed, Allaah is the best of all planners.

Wallaah, I’ve never been closer to my Parents. I love how in this process, and Allaah knows best, I got to spend priceless time with my Parents. Eating together, praying together, going to the botanist together (my dad loves plants a lot), cleaning the house together & ofcourse.. Speaking about Marriage. Alhamdulillaah.

Slowly, over time, they became understanding & receptive. A beautiful Du’aa that I’ll always remember, “May Allaah make it easy, and may Allaah make our parents easy for us.” By Allaah, never underestimate the power of du’aa. #notetoselffirst

My mum & dad both said to me, “In shaa Allaah. Alhamdulillaah semua okay. Habiskan NS dulu, then kahwin. Majlis simple2. Then boleh tinggal sama2 pat Johor. Kalau dah jodoh, tak ke mana.”

La hawla wa La quwwata illa billaah.

Every step in life brings us closer to our fate, and whatever is fated will come, one way or another. I remind myself of this over & over again. QadarAllaah, ma shaa fa’aal.

In terms of Deen.. We know where we stand today as compared to the past. Knowing Salafiyyah is indeed a HUGE ni’mah, may Allaah make us firm upon this clear methodology. All this Guidance is only by His Will, Walhamdulillaah.

Trials will come, without a doubt. May Allaah make it easy & grant what is Best for us all. Ameen.

I’m speechless reading a telegram message by a respectable Uncle, I regard him as my close friend, someone whom I hold dear at heart.

May Allaah reward him abundantly for his concern, advise, time & many more.

There’s so much things that I want to write here, but Allaah knows best.

Jazakumullaahu khayran to everyone who messaged me, only Allaah can reward your ihsan.

A new chapter of life begins. I ask Allaah to grant me strength & patience to overcome this period in life. Allaahul musta’an.

Hours away… Nervous, wallaah.

yang amat memerlukan pengampunan & pertolongan Allaah..
madey 🌾


Allaahul musta’an


A HUGE ni’mah to know the REAL Scholars of the past & present, whom adhere to the pure Methodology of the Salaf-us-Saalih. Wallaah, the Scholars are mountains of knowledge with sound understanding; And when one of them returns to Allaah, then it is indeed a calamity to the Ummah… We see this today.

Let’s rectify whatever remains, and try our best to gain benefit from the works of the Scholars who uphold the Haqq. If we don’t appreciate it.. Then who?

May Allaah make us firm in Deen, referring back to the Scholars. This is really important. Khalas.


Abu Khadeejah حفظه الله – Death of the Scholars


Some other beneficial videos, in shaa Allaah.


Questions & Answers regarding Manhaj | Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool


Rectifying the heart with the Qur’aan | Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee


The importance of rectifying one’s character | Shaykh ‘Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree


Advice to the one that returns to sins after repenting | Shaykh ‘Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree


Description of the Salafee Manhaj | Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee


الله أعلم
والله المستعان

Escape the traps of the Sufahah (fools) 🔐

My aunt just got back from Hajj recently. She’s very hospitable, friendly & charitable. She asked my mother, “Mana madey.. Dah lama tak nampak dia.. Tak hantar atau amek pun dari airport..” So I was pestered by my mum, sis & another aunt to visit her. So I met her yesterday (4th Muharram 1436H, 28th October 2014). Since my NS is also nearing, might as well jumpa my fast growing cousins.

It’s been a long time since I last met them nor visited their house. Mainly due to AVOIDING the recitation of Yasin ect upon the deceased & other events that she organize. We know the principle of avoiding sitting with the people of desires & avoiding debate. Khalas.

Then when I was there, I didn’t expect her to open the topic on Wahhabism. Wallaah all the Syubahat she said can be easily Refuted with Ilm. But I looked at the situation & remain silent to avoid debate. There’s difference between advising the ignorant who can accept the Truth, and the one who is deep in deviance whatsmore arrogant to listen.

So her Syubahat sounds like this. “Orang Wahhabi Solat kang-kang besar.. Dorang buat class sembunyi-sembunyi.. Dorang takda madhab.. Dorang tulis buku sendiri.. Dorang tak Al-Fatihah untuk orang mati, tak buat tahlil baca yasin, tak buat talqin untuk jenazah pat kubur.. Sikit-sikit bid’ah.. ‘ustaz’ (<— TAK LAYAK DIGELAR ustaz SEBENARNYA) kata dorang dah lupa apa orang tua kita ajar.. Dulu-dulu majlis selawat takda orang bantang, sekarang? Dorang du'aa tak angkat tangan.. Blahblahblahblahblah.."

Allaahul musta'an!

She's even more brainwashed after Hajj by that deceiving shayateen, tm fouzy.

Wallaah, it saddens me.

Ala kulli hal, we just stick & we follow. There's no need to innovate.

⛔️ And as the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, “Man ‘amila ‘amalan laisa ‘alayhi ‘amruna fahuwa roddun.” (Whomsoever does an act that is not taught (by the Prophet) then its rejected). [Bukhari]

⚠️ Also, the Prophet warned sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, “Man tashabbaha bi qaumin fahuwa minhum.” (Whomsoever imitates a group, then he is part of them.” [Abu Dawood]

And if you truly love Allaah.. Refer to [QS 3:31]. That is to Follow the example that has been taught by the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. NOT the ways of the sufahah (fools) who imitate the Christians, who play around with the religion, claiming to be love love love mercy mercy mercy.. NOT the ways of the syi'ah who hates the Companions (radiallaahu anhum), NOT the ways of the khawarij who fears fears fears and deviate, NOT the ways of the murjiah who hopes hopes hopes and don't do anything by action, speech AND heart. And so many other deviated sects. Seram.

And as the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam always mentioned before his sermon, he sallallaahu alayhi wasallam emphasized, "Wa sharrol umuri muhdathaatuhaa, wa kulla muhdathatin bid'ah, wa kulla bid'atin dholalah, wa kulla dholalatin fin-naar.." (From the worst of matters are the newly invented matter, and every newly invented matter is a bid'ah, every bid'ah is misguidance, and every misguidance leads to hellfire)

May Allaah guide them, or break their backs. This syaitan that leads the awwam astray are a cancer to the Ummah. They call to themselves, rather than the Ulama.

And what Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan mentioned in a video, as I recall when first started learning about the manhaj, is that "You can graduate with degree in this and that.. But what's the point if you don't have UNDERSTANDING in the Religion."

And we see this a lot today. Many who claims to study in madinah, wherever it may be, but end up deviated and fall into different hizbi sects.

Simple principle of Ibn Sireen: "Knowledge is Deen, becareful where you take it from."

May Allaah make us firm in Deen.

الله المستعان
الله أعلم
أبو عبدالله
الفقير إلي عفو ربه